Other > Random Ranting

Could this possably be a good thing?

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Soul Sojourner:
Then once again you have your shit twisted. Not everyone pronounces shit the same here. I am an American, I have always pronounced it as root.


--- Quote ---I know and agree... but americans do pronounce route as r-out-e, whereas in england and other english speaking speaking nations, we pronounce route as root
--- End quote ---

Since Californians are the only Americans with no accent whatsoever  (not counting Los Angeles of course), we pronounce the word "route" differently depending on the context.


"Bush wants to route out terrorists from his bung hole." (Pronounced "root")

"That stupid hillbilly sent us on the wrong route." (Pronounced "rowt")

However, there are also American songs like:

"I get my kicks on route 76." (Pronounced "root")

It would be perfectly normal for an American to say:

"What rowt do I take? Root 80 or 85?"


Soul Sojourner:
"no accent" in itself is an accent. Everyone has an accent in comparison to another.


--- Quote ---"no accent" in itself is an accent. Everyone has an accent in comparison to another.
--- End quote ---

Ever hear of a "control group"?

California's the control group for the English language!


Ser Red Ronnet Connington:

--- Quote ---Since Californians are the only Americans with no accent whatsoever  (not counting Los Angeles of course), we pronounce the word "route" differently depending on the context.


"Bush wants to route out terrorists from his bung hole." (Pronounced "root")

"That stupid hillbilly sent us on the wrong route." (Pronounced "rowt")

However, there are also American songs like:

"I get my kicks on route 76." (Pronounced "root")

It would be perfectly normal for an American to say:

"What rowt do I take? Root 80 or 85?"

--- End quote ---

well i need to then apologise for my ignorance. i never knew californians pronounced it root/rowt..

So i apologise.


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