Other > Random Ranting


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There isn't much else to say, unless you people would buy Factions and then we could do stuff together!

Well LM isn't the only NWN forum that is like a ghost town... In the Antediluvians forum there hasn't been a post for ages.

Same thing with the servers. GodSpire is empty and the Antes server is never up.

It's like NWN2 is out already and everybody's playing that now.  :P

I've been posting new NWN2 stuff like mad but I think there are two major factors to the drop in traffic:

1. E3 is on so everyone is reloading their web site every 5 minutes to see what is new. (Like Super Smash Brox. Brawl!)

2. End of the school year, everyone is busy with their end of the year schoolwork.

I've been busy with both of these things but today I'll be working on Smith Hold so hopefully there will be something new for people this weekend.


Zzzzzzz Gr- ur-ugh uh what? *peers around with bleary eyes* Anything happening? Nothing? Okay............Zzzzzzzzzz.


yep.... school.. .work.... school... work... ... ....            ......


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