Neverwinter Nights > Script Request
Ser Red Ronnet Connington:
void main()
object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
if (!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
if (GetItemPossessedBy(oPC, "electricchair") == TRUE );
SetCutsceneMode(oPC, TRUE);
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionSit(GetObjectByTag("chairofdeath")));
DelayCommand(12.0, SetCutsceneMode(oPC, FALSE));
Cannot get it to compile... its supposed to aply the functions
SetCutsceneMode(oPC, TRUE);
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionSit(GetObjectByTag("chairofdeath")));
DelayCommand(12.0, SetCutsceneMode(oPC, FALSE));
to the player in possesion of the item with tag electricchair
But it wont compile and using object self in place of true performs those functions on the Pc who initiates the script and not on the Pc with the item of tag electricchair
Any help would be appreciated
Ser Red
It's helpful if you state what the compiler error is.
Ser Red Ronnet Connington:
--- Quote ---It's helpful if you state what the compiler error is.
--- End quote ---
ah sorry i posted that in a tired state of depression, after all its failings.. and now ive finaly fixed it myself. Sorry about the bother.
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