Other > Random Ranting
Soul Sojourner:
eh, hope it gives you some entertainment.
Elessar Telrunya:
*is stuck on level 3*
EDIT: got past level three...now i need a password in level 4 o.o
EDIT: WOW, way beyond me, got a walkthrough and started going through it, it got me to level 10...I think I get the gist of what to do though....
Soul Sojourner:
Elessar Telrunya:
--- Quote ---cheater
--- End quote ---
dude, i would never think to check the source code. lol...i'm workin on it on my own now, but i'm confused on level 11, i got a hint fromt eh official forum, but i'm still having trouble..they said the un was kinda vulgar which why i probably don't get it because i'm slow on teh uptake with most things sick and wrong the first time around....
Soul Sojourner:
ah... hmm... cheater! LOL nah, I remember that thing, I found it out like last weekend, and got to lvl 5 and said fuckit. cause I had a friend over, and wasnt gunna waste my time on it.
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