Realm of Darkness are some forums I go to. It is quite a small community at the moment, and is owned by my GF. It is a regular free forum/site from invisionfree. But if we have enough members and active people, we intend on buying a domain. Currently we have two admins, a moderator (global) and a shade.
Shades, basically cause a bit of mayhem in the Chaos section. They can only edit posts, and make people say weird things. Chaos is a section where you basically screw around and argue, flame, spam, whatever.
There are many sections for posting. Including a D&D campaign section, discussion sections, rant section, literature, comps & tech. And so on.
They are decent forums too, swearing is not filtered, but on topic posts and spam, and so in is moderated very well. There is not spam and trash everywhere, and they are quite organized and navigatable.
If someone decides to go there, you can easily tell who's me, HeLLMasteRHeLL.
I'd be glad to see some of ya there.
On a side note, the url says Realm_of_Dakness NOT Darkness. Keep that in mind =)