Guild Wars > Guild Wars General

Are you still active?

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i just want to know and who is still active on GW. ive just resently started up GW again and id hope to see al of you again, and if not ide like to cya when faction comes out.

I'm around once in a while.  I just played with Dunkin and Anheg a few days ago.  I found me a super cool Green item too! w00t.

I've been on twice since Friday, poking around in the Zaishen Challenge. But I've also been on D2 and NWN, so I'm not on for hours at a time.


Elessar Telrunya:
i'm still an active player. somewhat. now that i'm not grounded from the computer anymore.


PS: Hiya Mav!

Not anymore.. But i might be sooner or later. Who knows.


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