Neverwinter Nights > NwN Building
Hosting with a router
I have a problem, I can't host a server with the router, i tried to forward the 5121 port or making a DMZ server, but it still doesn't work.
I need much more information than that to help you.
What is your WAN ip? What is the local IP of the server?
Do you have a software firewall running on the server, something like Norton Internet security?
ok, i had this problem to host some other things, anyway i have a netgear router, and zone alarm internet security installed, but the firewall isn't my problem, i think my problem is port forwarding, in fact the ip that nwnserver use is my local ip, instead of my real ip...
Solved problem, thanks anyway :D The problem was that DHCP was off :lol:
so with DHCP off no port forwarding is possible.
--- Quote ---ok, i had this problem to host some other things, anyway i have a netgear router, and zone alarm internet security installed, but the firewall isn't my problem, i think my problem is port forwarding, in fact the ip that nwnserver use is my local ip, instead of my real ip...
--- End quote ---
That's good, it's supposed to use your local ip.
forward port 5121 to for UDP
If you have software firewall on your pc then most probably it would also be blocking the ports.
If you have a problem with your server showing up on Gamespy then your firewall may be preventing that as well. Try to direct connect and see if that works.
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