LucidMagic > News & Annoucements

Lucidmagic is now running on Apache

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Well I've finally given in to this IIS piece of junk.  I thought I fixed the timeout issue 10 times already, but still it reappeared.  Anyway lucidmagic is now being served by Apache.  So long IIS!  Well actually not so long, since IIS is still serving the GodSpire db stuff such as Who's Online and the DM web pages.  Those web pages were scripted in, so i figured microsoft should still serve those.

As such port 2000 will now direct to the GodSpire stuff while 1000 will continue to connect to LM.

ie.  ----> will get you to the GodSpire db

Please let me know if you are still experiencing timeouts or other problems.


Getting page can't be found when replying to other topics.


--- Quote ---Getting page can't be found when replying to other topics.
--- End quote ---

I'm not experiencing that problem.

All other topics?
Anyone else have this problem?


--- Quote ---Anyone else have this problem?
--- End quote ---

Soul Sojourner:
I was having that problem about an hr. ago/ half hour... actually nothing would load at all... except the main page... and then that stopped loading too.. now everything seems to be loading fine, and even smoother than it used too.

Before I always had to refresh 100 times, or click something over and over to get it to work... along with that images often didnt appear... but everything seems fine now. ;)

P.S. On October 3rd, is LM officially dead then? Or like, what's goin on there?


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