Other > Random Ranting

Fight Club

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If somebody were to attack me, I would most likey get naked, I don't thinkg anybody would want to attack a naked person

I'd attack a naked person .... in bed.

Viper, actually I'm surprised that the place you get your martial arts training didn't emphesis the fact that learning it would make you susceptible "assault with a deadly weapon" when fighting unarmed.

About having charges pressed against you, the case that I was in jury for happened less than a month before the actual trial. The victim did not sue, the state department pressed charges based on a police report and the District Attorny represented the "people" vs. the defendant. The defendant was found guilty on two charges, one of which was "assault with the intent to do great bodily harm" which he got simply because he punched the victim in the head.

The court costs were minor, the only real result is that the defendant now has a criminal record and has to do community service (ie picking up garbage on the street).

Of course, all this is aside from the fact that I am saddened by the ease with which people are willing to not only hate but inflict physical violence upon another human with no regret. It is shameful that people are willing to put their emotional pain ahead of the someones physical well-being.


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---Well, it's obvious that they won...
--- End quote ---
Nobody wins anything in this world, in this life... you all lose.

--- Quote ---Viper, actually I'm surprised that the place you get your martial arts training didn't emphesis the fact that learning it would make you susceptible "assault with a deadly weapon" when fighting unarmed.

--- End quote ---
Doesnt take much to surprise you then.

--- Quote ---With that lack of knowledge of common sense, I'd be suprised if you were truthful of your age.
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Then why don't you have the common sense, to realize, that common sense isnt all that common. What's worse, is very few ever have the guts to explain how it applies to a situation and what it means in that situation. Go through the trouble of explaining what that means to have "common sense" in that situation, and perhaps that person may develop it, otherwise it's absolutely meaningless.
So Cabazon how old are you? I can tell by your birthday date you're not being truthful about yours, not that it really matters, but it was you who brought it up after all.

--- Quote ---Hell, omg, your one of those self mutulating dudes arent u O.o
--- End quote ---
So what if I am? (only to an extent, otherwise I just physically damage myself, and the whole point behind it is pain.)

Violence and Rage are what they are. Seek vengeance, seek revenge... Let out you're fury on society, since society says that letting it out in a fight is inappropriate, lets just let it out on them instead.

Everything has two sides, at least, and on each side there are pros and cons, and we're arguing with the pros of one side while the cons of it are being used against us, but we are using the other sides cons against it, and they are using that sides pros to support it. It's like this with everything see the "light" or stick to the "darkness" either way works I suppose, since they both have their pros and cons. Except butterflies... they have all pros, only con is that they betray u alot.


--- Quote ---So what if I am? (only to an extent, otherwise I just physically damage myself, and the whole point behind it is pain.)

Violence and Rage are what they are. Seek vengeance, seek revenge... Let out you're fury on society, since society says that letting it out in a fight is inappropriate, lets just let it out on them instead.
--- End quote ---

Actually, the point behind hurting yourself is usually adrenaline, not pain, but that's a topic for the "DRUGS" thread.

Also, unfortunatly, despite what the law says, society does indeed encourage male violence. Our society teaches males that it's not alright to express their non-violent feelings. In fact males are taught that it's not alright to even have positive feelings. The only vents that society approves of men using are anger and physical violence, whether that's sports, war or a bar room brawl.

Remember, soceity was established long ago by people with power who sought to keep the masses uneducated and ignorant so their decendants could retain their power, privalege and station. Teach males that the only acceptable emotions they are allowed to express is hatered and anger, then make a bunch of laws against displays of physical violence and the ignorant masses regulate and subjugate themselves.



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