Other > Random Ranting

Fight Club

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--- Quote ---there are some of those bastards that when you turn your back on them and showing clearly you don't wan't to have anything to do with them they tend to think they won "the battle" and start to piss off even more when that happens to me that's where the button is pushed that's where i F***** freak out that's when i loose all control
--- End quote ---

Well, it's obvious that they won "the battle" with you because, as you say, "that's where the button is pushed that's where i F***** freak out that's when i loose all control".

You are your own self-fullfilling prophecy, they won because you let them win. Next!

Also, if you think beating someone teaches them a lesson for life you are right, the lesson they learn is to just physically attack without any warning next time, preferably in large numbers and with weapons. You want to cut the philosophy bullshit? Then cut that "violence solves violence" bullshit! I'm not talking about philosophy, I'm talking about the law (big difference).

Maybe this will clarify things for you: Let's say you don't like neo-nazi white supremests. One day you see one and call him a "bigot" and he proceeds to beat the shit out of you with some form of martial art. Have you learned your lesson for life? If so, just what is that lesson?

Also, from what I have seen, no one is saying that you shouldn't defend yourself. I don't know why you brought that up. Everyone agrees that if someone physically attacks you, you are well within your rights to defend youself.


Fighting with martial arts background is a deadly weapon !?! thank u for the interesting fact. And im only 17, when we fight, its for a reason. So they dont bother to take someone in court, y, pride.If someone keeps on saying shit about me then i punch them a phew times and he brings me in court, its his fault. il take the charges but he has to live with the fact that hes the reason this whole thing started.

Razor Blade:

hey i don't mind when they push my button and i have to fight cuz when it's done he's lying down and i'm standing and then everyone knows who wins and who looses.
about the law really someone gonna sue you for beating them up lol 1 if he starts the case here in belgium he's gonna waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a long time till the case comes there are more important ones right now secondly he's paying all charges so nope ain't gonna happen. besides man think straight like viper said no one is going to take you to court cuz it's ridicilous and he has too much pride to do that.
secondly here in belgium there are a lot of these maroq scumbags who really like vexing you and shit if they see you are weak and shit they gonna f*** around with you i like to set straight from buisiness that i'm not a one to f*** around with some things ONLY a fight can solve for you it might not be like that but for me it is

Elessar Telrunya:
If they take you to court, its their way of regaining some of their pride. If they can get the courts to make you cough up money to him, then it'll heal their pride a little, so don't think they will never to that.


So let me get this straight - Viper, you think in an assault case, a jury would let the defendant go because he was "protecting his pride" ?

With that lack of knowledge of common sense, I'd be suprised if you were truthful of your age.


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