Other > Random Ranting

The "DRUGS" Thread!

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Well, Elessar, there is a difference between the drug itself being harmful and the method of application of the drug being harmful.

Smoking, bad for you for any number of reasons, is not the only way to ingest pot for instance. However, nicotine has been proven to possess opiate-like qualities regarding addiction and a general feeling of well-being. (Nicotine does make you feel different, try a cigar next time Cuchulann.)

Caffiene is definitly a scary drug, it's the only drug I have tried to quit and failed. I went a good 2 or 3 years without it but it just dragged me back in!

So basically there are 3 things that can make a drug "bad" or harmful, the method used to take the drug, the addictive potential of the drug and the toxicity of the drug.

A drug can have a harmful impact depending on how it is taken, smoking causes various health problems over time, injecting heroin will destroy the veins, snorting cocain wears away the sinuses and injesting alcohol causes liver damage as well as creating a toxin when mixed with sugar in the pancreas.

A drug can also be harmful if it is highly addictive, these include opiates (including heroin), nicotine, alcohol, cocain, caffiene, meth and any number of perscription pain killers. Now, I mean actual physical dependance, not psychological addiction which can be applied to anything, not just drugs.

The drug itself, regardless of how it's taken can also be harmful, stimulants put extra strain on the heart, heroin does all sorts of crazy damage to the liver and skin and who can forget the big O.D., some drugs are so poisonous that you can take enough to kill you (heroin and alcohol being the biggest ones).

Now, having said all of that, it seems to me that you would agree any drug that can be taken in a non-invasive, harmless way, isn't addictive and doesn't cause any damage in resonable quantities is alright to use. Correct?

Here is a partial list of drugs that, according to the above statements, are alright to use: Pot, LSD, mushrooms, peyote and hash. All of those drugs can be ingested orally, have very low (if any) addictive potential and they are nearly impossible to overdose on.

Wierd how the three government approved drugs alcohol, nicotine and caffiene didn't make the "safe drugs" list.


Drug use is acceptable to me.  I have used, and will in the future use, various drugs ranging from legal to illegal.   I only regularly use caffeine.  I really hate it too, can't quit it.

I think prescription drugs are an evil thing in ways.   Too often the FDA (or other countries' FDA equivlent) find out that a drug has harmful side-effects years after its release.   I don't like the idea of companies leading hurting people to believe they're being helped, only to wind up with some strange RNA mutation which causes insanity or whatnot in a year.

I think that the government should not outright ban drugs, but instead regulate them so they must be clearly labelled with all possible side-effects, much like currently allowed drugs are.

I don't mind others using drugs as long as they do not kill people, hurt people, steal things, or otherwise make people upset or worse due to their habbits or addictions.

I think schools should teach REAL things about drugs rather than the shit they currently push into kids throats.   It's incredible all the bullshit you can hear about marijuana, even with extensive studies saying the opposite. (in fact, I personally believe the only negetive side of marijuana is the carcinogenic effect smoking it has, but that comes with burning of all organic material.  other forms of ingestion are probably safer than pie (safety-pie)).

Often times I find that legal drugs are much worse than illegal drugs (in my experiences - Codeine and dextromethorphan hydrobromide* being worse than marijuana)

Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a poison.

*dextromethorphan hydrobromide is a substance in many cough medications.   It is fine when used as directed, but when "abused" and taken in larger doses it can be a hallucinogen, but I do not recommend it -  TERRIBLE hangover the next day, I had a turrible trip, and it can cause permanent brain damage, as can all dissociatives.

(this has been my longest post on LM ever)

Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---(this has been my longest post on LM ever)
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I say, **** cigars/cigarrettes, and **** alcohol(no we cant get rid of it, no I dont really care). They should ban cigarretes and legalize marijuana. Marijuana is less dangerous, and far less damaging than a cigarrette. But I also believe the age limit should be 14 and up (they're worried about hyperactivity? Here's a cure.) and that it can only be bought under a max quantity and is tracked how much as to not let you get too much, and space the times you buy it by at least 2 weeks, unless you havent boughten up that quantity yet, which gets reset after the period of time is up, whether you bought it all or not.

The whole purpose of the spacing etc. is to prevent you from smoking too much too often and creating holes in your brain. Although you could buy it, save it, and buy more, and smoke it all at once or whatever, then thats their problem and if they smoke themselves to stupidity... *shrugs*

Then again... I could care less for the most part, but thats the way I'd do it... dont worry though... things wont stay like they are now for long... hee hee, I can guarantee that.


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The whole purpose of the spacing etc. is to prevent you from smoking too much too often and creating holes in your brain.
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Where did you hear this?

I believe the age, if they were to limit it based on age, should be 17-21, somewhere in there.  I don't like stoned kids, that's the entire basis of my opinion on the age.

If you want great insight to drugs check out: Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna

and also comedian Bill Hicks (think he's come up before)

No different than anything else drugs should be done in moderation.  
I think it's a private experience and should be done solitarily.
It's foolish to outlaw them.

I've conquered sugar and caffiene (I don't drink soda) which mind you are causes for the rising diabetic problem.



We know that cigarettes are the number one killer.  Ok imagine a society free from cigarettes.  No more tobacco related deaths.  We then come to find out that cars are the number one killer.  Ok imagine a society free from cars.  No more car related deaths.  We know that obiesty is the number one killer.  Ok imagine a society free of food. No more food related deaths.

I don't like thinking I'm being protected from something that has never harmed me.  Unless I am being protected from myself but if that's the case why hasn't the government locked me away....

"Some" people are living without religious obligations and answer to no one.  Free from guilt and shame experience is life.

great topic 420

Tobacco  435,000  
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity  365,000  
Alcohol  85,000
Microbial Agents  75,000
Toxic Agents  55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes  26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs  32,000
Suicide  30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms  29,000
Homicide  20,308
Sexual Behaviors  20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect  17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin  7,600
Marijuana  0


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