Other > Random Ranting

The 200th twenty-ninty ninth Share you Pic thread!

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Okie doke, you know the drill... post your pic! Haven't done this in a while, so I'm a bit rusty, but here goes:

This is the most current I've got. Pic is like a week old.

This one's about a year old. I'm the guy in the middle with the blue shirt.

KK. Share pik. Gogo!

Nice joint in that second picture.

I'm the guy on the left with the green shirt.


Damn, you look so familiar, 420. Have we met before? Jesus christ your dog is hoouge! Where did you find such a beast?! It looks like... no, it can't be... it looks like a rare species of canine found only in the steamy jungles of Pittsburgh!

The locals call it "El Caca from-Bull's hole". It's amazing, it must be about 7 feet tall... weighing roughly 300 lbs. But I thought they couldn't be tamed! Sheer madness!


--- Quote ---Damn, you look so familiar, 420. Have we met before?
--- End quote ---

Well, actually, the dog looks familiar because it's a life-sized wood cut-out of Scooby Doo (which is a Great Dane by the way). I'm just posing in the arms of the display. You know, like those Coney Island muscle beach wood backdrops you stick your head through?


That's an amazing effect! It's so life-like. I can't even tell where 420 begins amidst all that wood.


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