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Internet explorer as background...
Used them all guys... Hitman Pro also has that one included...:(
Razor Blade:
try downing on if they still have it there that is microsoft anti-spyware b�©ta it's good shit deletes shit of your pc very good and if that doesn't work right click on your hdd and select format works like a charm :D or start from ms dos and format it via there lol sometimes you don't have an other choice....
Soul Sojourner:
Betcha never tried Spyware Begone =D, it costs $30 and I must say it's worth it, but I can send you it free =D I just dunno how large the transfer would be...
Yay! it worked thanks to Hell's Spyware Begone! Thanks for the help everyone!
Who The Man:
Can I have spyware begone? :)
And what's Hitman Pro?
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