Proof? Man 85 is just better every1 knows that, it's a fact. If you ask any1 who know something about this game he will tell you the same. And i am not trying to make people look bad Mo tried that when he said that I fail to understand.
for your first sentence- see comment below
for the second sentence- the world does not revolve around you. there are plenty of people who know plenty about this game who
will not tell you the same
for the third sentence- yes you are, you did fail to understand. he said that knight's armor with supperior rune of absorption has better damage absorption than platemail with superior rune of absorption, which is true, and you know it cuz you stated it below. as for the 1 piece knights w/sup absorption and the rest platemail, that was a suggestion, so dont take it as a "this is right and everything else you say is wrong", cuz i dont think mo would really do that...
again- see below comment for my oppinion on your post in general
You have to consider that you will fight something else then physical attacks, and dmg absorbation on Knights armor can be bigger yes but only protect you against physical attacks, so it's better to have extra 5 armor ( on platemail ) that will protect you agains all dmg and you still have 3 dmg reduction ( from superior rune of absorb ) which is higher then nonupgraded Knights armor coz it has only 2 dmg reduction. Now would you really like to have 2 more dmg absorb or 5 AL ?
If yes, i don't have any problems with it, just saying whats better.
>.> you should add the word "oppinion" to your vocabulary, because you seem to be sorely lacking it