Guild Wars > Culann's Hounds


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Elessar Telrunya:
Okay, read before you jump to the reply button and say I'm ranting and have no point. I was in Tomb of the Primeval Kings earlier looking for a party, but everyone seems to want you to have teamspeak to play, which really bugged me cuz I don't have team speak. So, I went searching and on and found this thread. I read on and at the bottom of the this post, the poster said:

--- Quote ---NOTE!

Many times ppl who own TeamSpeaks will make you a Channel all your own for your guild for free. I will.

I have done it once b4. They just logged into the brothers of the jade TS and then they had a channel of their guilds name and you get channel admin rights for your guild there.

More rare is some just give out entire TS servers for free! visit the TS forums and you may get lucky.

If anyone needs a channel I have no issue with making your guild a channel in our server.

go here
--- End quote ---

So, do you think it might be worth asking him for a Guild Channel? I know I'm going to try and download the Teamspeak client, because I think we have a headset somewhere in our computer desk, but I'm not sure if it works... anyway that's not a problem because if it doesn't, I'll just buy a new one. :)

So oppinion? Actually I think I'll add a poll to this... just to see results. :)


Lance Ezekiel:
TS is a good idear if we plan to take HoH or GvG. Any team that has a chance uses TS or Vent (Vent is the same sort of program just a bit better). Iv had offers from people iv pvped with for some server space but i didnt think anyone in CH would want to use it. But if you get the vote go for it Elessar it will be a big bost for pvp.

Ps:Welcom to the world of true MMO PvP  :lol:

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---TS is a good idear if we plan to take HoH or GvG. Any team that has a chance uses TS or Vent (Vent is the same sort of program just a bit better). Iv had offers from people iv pvped with for some server space but i didnt think anyone in CH would want to use it. But if you get the vote go for it Elessar it will be a big bost for pvp.

Ps:Welcom to the world of true MMO PvP  :lol:
--- End quote ---

hehe thanks for the support lance, my bro kicked me off the upstairs com so i can't try and dl the client and see if the mic we have works yet, but it is a really good idea, it makes it easier cuz we dont have to stop and type if we need help cuz thats even more dangerous and if we ping that could be anything, but with ts or vent itd be easy- just speak the word "assist" or "help" or "heal" only problem is.... i might have odd background music(ex. my sis playin piano, me doin a weird laugh, my brother's cd player)

also it'll make it easier to get into a team, i actually got kicked out of a team earlier because i didnt have teamspeak, which really ticked me off >.>


*Thinks about the cracking voice of the teen from the Simpsons and hits no no no!*

I'd just be laughing too hard with teamspeak. I would rather have some good quick-slot emotes like America's Army or even NWN.


Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---*Thinks about the cracking voice of the teen from the Simpsons and hits no no no!*

I'd just be laughing too hard with teamspeak. I would rather have some good quick-slot emotes like America's Army or even NWN.

--- End quote ---

my voice dun crack... well... not that much i mean ya quick slot emotes would be nice but thats just not able to be done atm... so i think that ts or vent would be helpful for the time being


EDIT: Also, anyone who votes, please post the reasoning behind your desicion.


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