Guild Wars > Culann's Hounds

Post your PvP character builds here!

<< < (12/12)

I could make a healer, but my stupid game freezes every 10 mins for some reason. =(

I might finish up my necro with monk :P nothing like being the only standing cause you Life Siphon multiple targets and heal :diablo:

My R/W is not yet ready for PvP and wont be for a while yet but i want to plan for it so i dont muddle around wiht trial and error.
The main problem is the Warior secondary, as i'm only using frenzy from it. Though the faster bow attack is nice I think a more complimentary second prof is in order. I was thinking of an Ele 2nd since thats the one prof i havent really played yet but it'd be better to find out what the guild needs.
Currently at lvl 17 with Marksmanship: 10, Wilderness Survival: 7, Expertise: 6, and using mostly bow attack skills.
Advice? Opinions? Beer?


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