LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What do you guys think about LucidMagic

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--- Quote --- gave u an 8 due to the fact that after all the posts got erased (when me and doof were above 1000), everything has somehow stopped. No one has more than 200 posts and the only new stuff on the site appears to go on in the gs section.

ppl are posting less now and there's not  much happening. But I still love it.
--- End quote ---
yeah no doubt this site is still good

lol wtf how did you get 71 posts already? :P

well since i dont post in the GS section i guess i'll have to go resseruct random ranting... are you with me blood? ;)  

who gave it a 5, please vote only if your going to post..

I gave it a 8 i agree with about everything Doofer said.

I give it a 8. I love this site  :lol:  and the new Shoutbox is cool but something can be improve......I agree whit Doofer    :P  

Yes, good site, improved alot from the first, look wise, but gone down hill with the people who have come here and taken over *points at godspire people*cant you make some section where they cant go? i mean they have there own section where only godspire people post. but on ours people start flaming, *ohh resists have no skill* blah blah, whatever! so i give the site a vote of 2 for the people in it, and a 8 for layout, overall a 6 ^^


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