LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What do you guys think about LucidMagic

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well looks like everyone is agreeing with me :lol:
so how bout it nathan? you gonna add these things? plz say yes! :)  

is it just me but, can u guys send pm's? cuz i can't   O.o

Blood Angel:
I believe you can :P it says error and it actually sends anyway.
The error is that the message doesn't get saved in the outbox, or so I've heard.

i gave it a 3 cause its the frist number in my locker combo.but if i didnt do that i would say a 6 but would be a 9 if the things doofer said were in this.


--- Quote --- i gave it a 3 cause its the frist number in my locker combo.
--- End quote ---
oh i get it! is this some quest to get you locker combo? you give us the first number, hide the rest inside your posts and the winner gets your lunch money?

--- Quote ---oh comeon how come on everypoll im the only one who votes for certain things and its left at 1 from me???
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---ill follow the 14 year old swedish dude!!
--- End quote ---

muahaha i figured it out its 3-1-14 isnt it? :P


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