LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What do you guys think about LucidMagic

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ok... I'm talking about the rateing for the site  :P  not the people.. if the people are bothering you here and breaking the rules towards you all you have to do is send me a pm and I'll deal with it...  :)  

Gave it a 7 -- as doofer pointed out there are several features currently unavailable. The darker color scheme the forum had before also looked quite nice. But since there are plenty of new posts that are created daily, there is always plenty to read up on.

Blood Angel:

--- Quote ---well since i dont post in the GS section i guess i'll have to go resseruct random ranting... are you with me blood?
--- End quote ---

Actually I don't wanna start posting that much again, I've almost stopped posting in the gs section though I am posting in the DE section.


wow, I find that soooo funny, wait till tqalon reads this, he's going to crack up

Kid in Helmet:
Maybe the mods should start picking up on the flame cleanup? How about that?

If it's been bothering you that much all you have to do is let us know.


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