LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What do you guys think about LucidMagic

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Please state why you think it's that number and what we could do to make it higher.

I give it a 7 I don't know how to make it better so i'm asking you guys what I can do to make it better! :P  

i gave it an 8 as its an awesome site

here is my list of the only things that would be good if added:

-arcade :P
-money system/shop
-revert back to the darker colours
-make it so members can add events to the calendar again
-complete all the things that are "coming soon" on the main page (like the screenshot gallery)

if these features were added it would be a perfect 10 :D

I don't really know what LucidMagic is all about.  I only post here because of GS =P

Blood Angel:
gave u an 8 due to the fact that after all the posts got erased (when me and doof were above 1000), everything has somehow stopped. No one has more than 200 posts and the only new stuff on the site appears to go on in the gs section.

ppl are posting less now and there's not  much happening. But I still love it.


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