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Dye Mixing


Since 420 started to mix dyes i made some research.This is what i found out :


--- Quote ---cRO[,Jun 4 2005, 08:16 AM]Since 420 started to mix dyes i made some research.This is what i found out :
--- End quote ---

I think the chart is incomplete at best. When green dye was used on blue it made it look mostly blue (see screen shot thread), I think the chart shows blue used on green. My current theory is that the dye that you double-click on will be the lesser color, the dye you target is only altered slightly.

Also, you can use the same color multiple times to change the hue or mix 3 or more different colors to get something completely different.


EDIT: OK Throbble and I tested and it turns out it doesn't matter if you use green on blue or blue on green. The chart mixing blue and green is just wrong. However all the rest about adding more of the same color or 3 or more different colors is straight still correct I believe.


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