Guild Wars > Guild Wars Guilds
Guild General
Should Khadgar join this band of Warriore :huh: hmmm....
Another update to the roster... Everyone say, "Bye, Rune!" and "Hello Forsaken, Razor, and Compton (the Shorty)!"
Elessar Telrunya:
--- Quote ---Another update to the roster... Everyone say, "Bye, Rune!" and "Hello Forsaken, Razor, and Compton (the Shorty)!"
--- End quote ---
Hi! I'm everyone.
Bye, Rune!
Hello Forsaken, Razor, and Compton (the Shorty)!
Hello People :)
It is my very sincere pleasure to welcome Talon to Culann's Hounds! Also, rejoining the guild, Abby and Lance - and we didin't even make them crawl through the "Suplicants" door!
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