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Elder Scrolls IV Screenshots

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OOO MW i am one of the fans. :D
Yes it is going to have MP at last they said so 3 months ago when i checked.

i hope that the new Elder Scrolls will rock (like every other one)

Razor Blade:

--- Quote ---Have a look at this beautiful shot of the upcoming Elder Scrolls game.  Due out this Holiday season.

More screenies can be found here
--- End quote ---

though that screen looks awesome it looks also a bit TOO MUCH i mean even Half Life 2 wasn't like that but either it is or not i'm buieng it cuz i enjoyed morrowing greatly :D  and if i'm not tired of GW too offcourse lol ;)


--- Quote ---cRO[,Jun 9 2005, 09:26 AM]501...501...501...
i hope that the new Elder Scrolls will rock (like every other one)
--- End quote ---

Am I hearing this correctly? Did you just say Daggerfall "rocked"?

I'm sorry but Daggerfall (Elder Scrolls 2) was probably the worst computer game ever created. I mean, you had to constantly run and jump everywhere so your skills didn't atrophy, your character was constantly falling into "the void" by falling through the gap between steps on staircases, the storyline was non-existant and the "randomly" generated dungeons were redundant, confusing and ridiculously huge.

I tried playing Daggerfall with the strategy guide, all the patches and a special keyboard command that you could use if you fell into the void that would put you back in the dungeon and it was still way to confusing and frustrating.

I never tried any of the other Elder Scrolls games because of Daggerfall, Bethesda lost a customer with that horrible, horrible game!

End communication!

No offense but Dagerfall is a  very good game. I have it at home and I finished it long time ago, and if you don't like it you should have respect for such a game :)
It's a foundation of Morrowind :D  And you should try Morrowind i am sure you would like it.


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