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Beginner's Guide to Guild Wars

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Elessar Telrunya:
not necessarily the best armors...just max armor which is 60 for mes, ele, monk and necro..70 for rangers and 80 for warriors
they probably are all in hard mode, but if i were you, i'd really just play through the game, it's better that way imo


whatever i just meant there are like 20 skills i couldnt learn cause i have no money lol
 and playing alone is no better, maybe making an assasin first was a bad idea, besides the time i bough it i couldnt play with anyone here cos i cant play in the america servers , anheg and kristie helped me once on the international server tho.

oh yeah materials! i completely forgot about the bank, i had that materials tab with lots of things, i sold everything on the assasin besides the 3 armor parts or so i bought in the lvl 20 place, i got 3k after selling everything now gonna make a new char, for soloing (well with the henchmen) what class is better for ranger?, or any other better class build for playing with the henchmen.

elessar, so you mean nightfall its much more new player friendly campaign? maybe i could buy nightfall just to have an extra game, im playing vanguard: saga of heroes which is even harder but easier to find a group, Either nightfall or WoW for a few months to play with some rl friends that have the game (i think thats the only mmorpg few ppl have around here) they didnt even knew what neverwinter or guild wars was >_<.

btw you can buy then download nightfall? cos obviously its not in the shops here, i bought vanguard that way. and is that new class with scythe any good? cause i like scythes :P

Elessar Telrunya:
well really prophecies is the new player friendliest, but after that ya, nightfall is a fairly new player friendly...but there's still a learning curve. anyway, what i meant is that Factions was designed to have an rp campaign, but to be more geared to PvP players.

Nightfall is better geared to both RP and PvP, like the original, prophecies. You can add a Nightfall CD-Key to your account through the store available on the character selection panel


I bought nightfall yesterday, i didnt you could play it right away lol, but at least i had fun again since its a lot easier than factions to get started, i made a necro b4 getting nightfall and was kinda fun aswell, i played for like 5 hours instead 10 min lol, i pmed you elessar but guess you were afk or just ignored me :P, btw dervish look cool :)


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