Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
Beginner's Guide to Guild Wars
Ah I see well I just got a black dye...
Is it worth buying runes and upgrades when I'm at lvl 14? Or will I find some platemail soon.
Elessar Telrunya:
you can if you want, just make sure you salvage the runes when you get better armor. Just stick to minor runes for now, major and superior runes can be too dangerous if you aren't careful
my char is lvl 16 assasin monk with like 100 gold lol and still most armor parts from the first armor you can buy in shing jea i never find any money or anything worth selling >_< that was one of the reasons i stopped playing, no money = no better equipment = 50% death penalty everytime i go outside town lol, and i still have like 20 skills i can learn but no money, it has lvl 10 skills still i think lol
i reinstalled it and played few times but i always leave after like 10-15 minutes when i have 50% death penalty >_<
Elessar Telrunya:
you just made very little sense.
Death Penalty goes away - if you can't scrape up the money to buy better armor then you're worse than me! Factions is a hard one to get into, you really have to be an experienced player to do okay with it. It was a much more PvP based chapter than Nightfall is.
There aren't any "level 10 skills" all skills have their strengths based on their attribute's level
Even though I have 15k in the bank I pick up everything. I never pay for runs and join up with people to save money. Once you get a good stock pile of materials sell those too. I think by playing with higher level people I was able to find the dyes which gave me 3/4 of the money I have.
I'm trying to get into Drocks now but I guess from this hard mode update all the runners are off doing that.
Is it true Drocks has the best armor in the game? And how long should it take for a run there?
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