Other > Random Ranting
This might sound stupid. BUT IM PISSED OFF. i was playing super smash brothers on my pc then my brother wanted to play. So im like sure il go get my joypad. So i take the computer off my shelf and drop it from about 3 inchs off the ground. a little sound made, nothing serious. Then i turn on my muha f'in comp and both my drives are gone. DVD drive and CD RW drive. and my dvd drive was 400 $. SO CAN SOMEONE HELP ME OR IM F****. and i cant play nwn also....
--- Quote ---This might sound stupid. BUT IM PISSED OFF. i was playing super smash brothers on my pc then my brother wanted to play. So im like sure il go get my joypad. So i take the computer off my shelf and drop it from about 3 inchs off the ground. a little sound made, nothing serious. Then i turn on my muha f'in comp and both my drives are gone. DVD drive and CD RW drive. and my dvd drive was 400 $. SO CAN SOMEONE HELP ME OR IM F****. and i cant play nwn also....
--- End quote ---
400$ for a DVD drive?!?! wtf does it make iced cappucinos?
PS. ya sorry if this wasn't too helpful :P
PPS. open up the case and ensure that your IDE cables aren't loose.
Yeah, make sure they're connected.
most likely the drive is FUBARed now-if it's still under warranty u might want to get a new one. if not...go spend about $70 US Dollars and buy a new one :P
*PS: wtf were you doin...droppin a computer....i hope u never have kid ;)
that heppened to me years ago i just download a normal cd driver and the D: was back at my pc , im not using cd rom drives to play nwn i use a program called alcohol and mount the hotu image on a drive the prgram makes :P
another thing is just call the vendor and say it doesnt work they may can send u the drivers if its not a matter of disconnected cables
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