Guild Wars > Guild Wars General
Major GW update!
Elessar Telrunya:
--- Quote ---Another huge update today: Link
Here are my personal favorites:
But here is a big D'OH!
Not that henchmen would be any use mind you, but no unascended players... bummer.
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dang, that means i'll have to work hard so i can get enelya ascended so she can help keep people alive in UW and fissure =/
--- Quote ---Another huge update today: Link
Here are my personal favorites:
But here is a big D'OH!
Not that henchmen would be any use mind you, but no unascended players... bummer.
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Henchmen weren't able to enter the FoW. Dunkin Brior and I tried going with 5 henchmen. Well we got there but our henchmen friends were no where to be seen.
I like them, they fixed my complains about Flurry and The Undead Hoards quests.
Elessar Telrunya:
--- Quote ---Henchmen weren't able to enter the FoW. Dunkin Brior and I tried going with 5 henchmen. Well we got there but our henchmen friends were no where to be seen.
--- End quote ---
I always knew they'd become deserters some day.
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