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It takes alot of strength for me to return, but i return with conviction. I am here to atone for something that I did which was completely inacceptable. It's taken me this long to forgive myself, and it was only with my recent turning to Jesus as our saviour that I really realized it.

I will say one name to refresh your memories

Megan La'fiiri.

I apologize to you all for impersonating someone I was not, misleading and misdirecting your thoughts towards me. I know some of you may never forgive me, but those of you that have taken the word of God as your own I hope any of this makes sense to you.

--- Quote ---7[/span]In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace.    Ephesians 1:7 (NIV)
--- End quote ---

The Lord God has forgiven me, and by turning to Him i have forgiven myself. He instructed me to come here and tell you all, so that my mind is now clear of this and i can move forward with my life to serve Him.  None of you could ever know the anguish i have felt over this for so long, i am just glad i can now be over it, and begin my maturity in Christ.

--- Quote ---[span style=\'font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\']32[/size]Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.    Ephesians 4:32 (NIV)
--- End quote ---

I do not expect anything of any of you. I have atoned, and my judgement now comes from Lord God, and Him alone. This does not mean I will play on the Godspire server, although I may, it is just one less thing i need to worry about in my life here in this world, allowing me to concentrate on that which needs it. Spreading the Word of God to all the corners of the world.

God Bless you.

Born Again Christian.

what does this have to do with o.O

bus driver:
sounds like someone is taking the piss...........*grabs a torch and starts a angry one man drunken mob*

You're forgiven!

:rofl: Firstly, You have no need to ask forgiveness from me at least because I never believed anything you had said in the past in the first place. So no harm no foul.  Secondly, Godspire welcomes you and your dementia, or just you, or just your dementia, which ever decides to come and play.  I think Godspire could use a Jehova's Witness or two :crazy:


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