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way to be age discriminate. *gives the moderator a bone* I am sure that many people of all ages have enjoyed almost all major movies. The movies are a great thing that everyone loves, of course, I have never been to England. Maybe you hate movies there.


--- Quote ---I have never been to England. Maybe you hate movies there.
--- End quote ---

Ha ha ha ha! That's funny on so many levels.

When the first Batman movie came out, my grandma actually bought tickets for the whole family and she even bought my cousin and I Batman caps and tee-shirts. She even WORE a Batman cap and tee-shirt TO THE THEATER.

It's hard to explain how amazing this was. I had NEVER known my grandma to go to a movie theater, let alone wear a tee-shirt and cap! It was one of the few great family bonding moments I remember. I mean, she actually smiled! It was weird.


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---She even WORE a Batman cap and tee-shit TO THE THEATER.
--- End quote ---
I just can't help but notice. lmao. :lol2:


--- Quote ---I just can't help butt notice. lmao. :lol2:
--- End quote ---

You shouldn't quote people's posts and edit bad words into them. Shame on you.


ok heres a new avy that i found and for the new starwars movie i put this up u might need to left click then view image to see what it says


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