Other > Fun and Games



|- Shion -|:

well that HP is wroted at portuguese language but u guys not need to know where to click to see the photos eh? So check this out , 70% of there are REAL images .
Before going there , not blame me for causing u guys nightmares :D

Have fun.


--- Quote ---well that HP is wroted at portuguese language but u guys not need to know where to click to see the photos eh?
--- End quote ---

Uh, yeah I do need to know where to click to see photos eh.

Everything I clicked on yielded more words I didn't understand. Are there suppose to be pictures on or something?


That is kinda wierd Shion. Cant you look at bloopers or porn like normal people. 420, go to Camplanhas (on the left side menu) and pick the word that looks like Torture or Suicide.

Good Site (WARNING: Some material may be inappropriate for young Viewers *cough Elessar cough*)   Big Boy

Of course it does have some porn, it has a hell of a lot of halarious stuff dumb people do. My Favorite is someone sticking a real M-80 in a watermelon then lighting it, shoving it in the melon, and then sitting on it. It also has some games.


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