LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

Color Names

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and what color would you want?

White would be a bad idea. Too hard to see.
Blue is already used for the GMs
Yellow, Grey, and Purple are you choices, it seems. Unless the marauders dont take red.


--- Quote ---How so?
and you call yourself spam hunter?
--- End quote ---

It was a joke, I looked at the member list and about 1/3 of the people had green names.

(I am a Spam Hunter. Ph34r my l337 moderating powers.)


for DE i say yellow, ties in with the divine based nature of the clan :)

Soul Sojourner:
I'd prolly say an off white with a hint of light grey as the "off" part. This way it's white, yet still seeable. (Seeable...sight...sought...saw...seen...view...viewed..)
I hate confusing words...

yeah yellow would be good  :P


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