LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What changes should we have on LM?

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How about real-time updates containing GodSpire info? # of people on, top ten duelers (as Belog reports it), currently banned players and their ban time remaining, some sort of team duel statistics and various other interesting things.

There could even be a "newb threat level" where sents can change from green (Everything's cool!), to yellow (I could use a hand!), to red (It's chaos, I need a DM!) then any DMs/Sents checking the site can log in and take care of it. The randomer thread works better for long-term problem players but isn't really effective for asking for immediate assistance.



--- Quote ---How about real-time updates containing GodSpire info? # of people on, top ten duelers (as Belog reports it), currently banned players and their ban time remaining, some sort of team duel statistics and various other interesting things.

There could even be a "newb threat level" where sents can change from green (Everything's cool!), to yellow (I could use a hand!), to red (It's chaos, I need a DM!) then any DMs/Sents checking the site can log in and take care of it. The randomer thread works better for long-term problem players but isn't really effective for asking for immediate assistance.

--- End quote ---


I'd love LM to serve iced cappucinos !

Blood Angel:
is this the concept of PMs?

*applauds* I like 420's ideas.

colored clan member names would be cool

Doraith Members = Green
Marauders =...Red or black?


--- Quote ---there are a few problems with having a lot of skins like we did before, they are too hard to manage, mo and I have had to fix problems in the skinsets countless times... if something goes wrong in one of the skins we wont kknow and you wont be able to complain about it because it'll be set as your defualt skin and you wouldnt be able to post or veiw anything if the skin was broken[snapback]22047[/snapback]
--- End quote ---
What problems? A skin is something simple and I don't see ibp-mods in here that could make problems...

And some smilies are missing.

Nice idea's. And perfectly possible now the Lm site runs on the same host as the GodSpire nwserver. It also could show when there are no sents. That situation seems me the most important.

Clan colors can be done with usergroups. The board it's software has those. But it's best to test it a bit for practical problems. I often can't remeber how evrything exactly works for a specific bulletin board. There're so many of them.



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