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What changes should we have on LM?

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--- Quote ---Well, I'm not the one who added them, I don't know where to find them either to re-add the images...[snapback]22159[/snapback]
--- End quote ---
I uploaded it correctly in the short time I could. There are 2 skins I don't recommend to use, but the gothic, smooth, inverse, blue beach, should all work correctly if nobody did mess with it.

And the smilies aren't bad: :tease: :focus: :tease: :crazy: :tease:

The one who made it probably did get inspiration in the mirror :P


Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---I uploaded it correctly in the short time I could. There are 2 skins I don't recommend to use, but the gothic, smooth, inverse, blue beach, should all work correctly if nobody did mess with it.

And the smilies aren't bad: :tease: :focus: :tease: :crazy: :tease:

The one who made it probably did get inspiration in the mirror :P

--- End quote ---
Yay for Mel!!!  :drinks:


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