LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What changes should we have on LM?

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:stinker: What the heck is THAT? :focus: And this? *Sigh*


well, y ou guys wanted smilies so you got them :P


--- Quote ---Ooo, you should have told me Mo, I know a workaround for that! OnClientLeave can retrieve local variables that were set on the leaving client's avatar or character object.

If you set local variables for the CD-Key, Ip Address and account name on the player in OnClientEnter, you can retrieve those variables from the player in OnClientLeave.

I use this method to track players who leave Throbbleserv during a duel.

--- End quote ---

hmm are you sure?
I could have sworn I've tried that...but the character object == OBJECT_INVALID once any code in OnClientLeave is run.


--- Quote ---hmm are you sure?
I could have sworn I've tried that...but the character object == OBJECT_INVALID once any code in OnClientLeave is run.
--- End quote ---

Check out the "Known Bugs" and the code below: NWN Lexicon



--- Quote ---Check out the "Known Bugs" and the code below: NWN Lexicon

--- End quote ---

Good lord!

*cries*  why didn't i know this 2 months ago....

Woot...time to track everyones playing time heheheh.



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