LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What changes should we have on LM?

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--- Quote ---Very possible, but not likely. It is more likely that you are not uploading correctly.
An hour? If it is that difficult, create a new language variable with "welcome_message", add it to all of the skins, and you can change it in one file as much as you want. If you wanted to take it a step further, you could create a text field in the admin CP for it.
You could always make skins for the front page, but I doubt you would do that. And as for the fact that this skin is easy on the eyes, I completely agree, but some people (not me, but in my experience I have had many people complain) prefer darker colors. If 700/800 people leave it as the default, at least the remaining 100 can browse the website the way they want.

Sorry to intrude, I was just passing by.

/Goes back into the shadows
--- End quote ---

Well, I'm not the one who added them, I don't know where to find them either to re-add the images...
I was exgerateing, maybe 15 min, but I update messages on the  board a lot, a couple times every week, so it would get somewhat annoying

ok, I will add a dark skin once I find a good one, that way there would be no reason for anybody to complain about the skins

don't worey, you were not intrudeing


I added a few Smilies, to add them you just click "Show All"

a lot of people have requested that you have to be loged in to post, you can't post at guest

- just made it so guests can't post, they can only view the board


--- Quote --- I'd have done this a long time ago and kept track of exactly how long players have spent online.
--- End quote ---

Ooo, you should have told me Mo, I know a workaround for that! OnClientLeave can retrieve local variables that were set on the leaving client's avatar or character object.

If you set local variables for the CD-Key, Ip Address and account name on the player in OnClientEnter, you can retrieve those variables from the player in OnClientLeave.

I use this method to track players who leave Throbbleserv during a duel.


awesome thx for the smilies!



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