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What changes should we have on LM?

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Soul Sojourner:

--- Quote ---:blink:

I'd love LM to serve iced cappucinos !
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=D *Hands Mo an Iced Cappucino* Here ya go Mo, glad to be of service... again =).

Yar, the default skin doesn't bother me, I just liked the gothic one =D. As for 420's ideas... Rock on man!


--- Quote ---Lol, we've had a lot of problems with the skins, if you look at the former skins we have then on half of them the buttons are missing... also, lets say I wanted to display a message at the top of the board, like "Weclome to" it would take at least an hour to do it to every skin, it would take a few min to do it to the main one... the list of reasons goes on, I'm sure you could think of a lot of downs having more skins... + the default ipb skin (this one) does not hurt your eyes and it matches the colours of the new front page we're working on
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I agree that it's more work, adding that message on all skins would take me 1-5 minutes.  I disagree with evrything else in your post.

I'm not going to argue about it. That would be pointless anyway.

(don't forget the smilies, some are missing)



--- Quote ---How about real-time updates containing GodSpire info? # of people on, top ten duelers (as Belog reports it), currently banned players and their ban time remaining, some sort of team duel statistics and various other interesting things.

There could even be a "newb threat level" where sents can change from green (Everything's cool!), to yellow (I could use a hand!), to red (It's chaos, I need a DM!) then any DMs/Sents checking the site can log in and take care of it. The randomer thread works better for long-term problem players but isn't really effective for asking for immediate assistance.

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Here's the problem with real-time updates.  There's no out of the box way to know when a player leaves the server. onClientLeave event should be thrown in the garbages cause it's more or less useless.  So unless you want to use a heatbeat script that keeps track of everyone on (which is a bad idea), or some other script that cycles through the whole player list every once in a while,  this aint' gonna happen.  I'd have done this a long time ago and kept track of exactly how long players have spent online.

Sents don't need DM assistance.  Otherwise I'll just get rid of all the sents.
I already have a page that lists banned players, should I made this page accessable to everyone?


--- Quote ---I agree that it's more work, adding that message on all skins would take me 1-5 minutes.  I disagree with evrything else in your post.

I'm not going to argue about it. That would be pointless anyway.

(don't forget the smilies, some are missing)

--- End quote ---

well,  you have some super duper way of making it so it takes effect on every skin I don't.. anywyas, ok lets not argue

I'm adding smilies right now


--- Quote ---Lol, we've had a lot of problems with the skins, if you look at the former skins we have then on half of them the buttons are missing...
--- End quote ---

Very possible, but not likely. It is more likely that you are not uploading correctly.

--- Quote ---also, lets say I wanted to display a message at the top of the board, like "Weclome to" it would take at least an hour to do it to every skin, it would take a few min to do it to the main one...
--- End quote ---

An hour? If it is that difficult, create a new language variable with "welcome_message", add it to all of the skins, and you can change it in one file as much as you want. If you wanted to take it a step further, you could create a text field in the admin CP for it.

--- Quote --- the list of reasons goes on, I'm sure you could think of a lot of downs having more skins... + the default ipb skin (this one) does not hurt your eyes and it matches the colours of the new front page we're working on
--- End quote ---

You could always make skins for the front page, but I doubt you would do that. And as for the fact that this skin is easy on the eyes, I completely agree, but some people (not me, but in my experience I have had many people complain) prefer darker colors. If 700/800 people leave it as the default, at least the remaining 100 can browse the website the way they want.

Sorry to intrude, I was just passing by.

/Goes back into the shadows


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