LucidMagic > Feedback & Community

What changes should we have on LM?

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--- Quote ---*applauds* I like 420's ideas.

colored clan member names would be cool

Doraith Members = Green
Marauders =...Red or black?
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Sure, I could do that, i'll get working on it right now, anheg, I just need you to post the member names from the people of doriath that are registerd here.. get it?

I don't know who the doriath members are and I'm sure if i looked at the doriath roaster some of the names would be different from their registerd names

now for the maurders roaster I know who most of them are so i'll be able to do that


--- Quote ---What problems? A skin is something simple and I don't see ibp-mods in here that could make problems...

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Lol, we've had a lot of problems with the skins, if you look at the former skins we have then on half of them the buttons are missing... also, lets say I wanted to display a message at the top of the board, like "Weclome to" it would take at least an hour to do it to every skin, it would take a few min to do it to the main one... the list of reasons goes on, I'm sure you could think of a lot of downs having more skins... + the default ipb skin (this one) does not hurt your eyes and it matches the colours of the new front page we're working on


--- Quote ---How about real-time updates containing GodSpire info? # of people on, top ten duelers (as Belog reports it), currently banned players and their ban time remaining, some sort of team duel statistics and various other interesting things.

There could even be a "newb threat level" where sents can change from green (Everything's cool!), to yellow (I could use a hand!), to red (It's chaos, I need a DM!) then any DMs/Sents checking the site can log in and take care of it. The randomer thread works better for long-term problem players but isn't really effective for asking for immediate assistance.

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I'll speak to mo about these, all of your ideas seam great

I will make a list of all the Doriath members names + LM registered names.

ok, ANHEG, your request is done


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