Other > Random Ranting
You were just a bit faster than me 420, I hate those 'delays' in here. (the board falling of the web for me during a few minutes)
For dates it think year/month/day-hour:minute:second is fine, like 2005/01/04-05:03:42 or 20050104050342. It's logical and easy to work with, even for a computer.
But well, what you make of this: 1088196401
That's how this board stores my join date in here. I never took the time to understand it.
--- Quote ---Always check Wikipedia.
Calling someone "Der F�¼hrer" is usually used as a sarcastic reference to Hitler.
--- End quote ---
Normally a reference made by someone with little to no intelligence. I mean if you noticed while I was having arguments with CM i never compared Bug to Hitler. I used Castro, Stalin and Mussolini among others as a comparison to his xenophobic and intolerant attitudes. But just coming out and calling someone Hitler because a person is trying to enforce forums rules and not have it degrade to the slime that it was a few months ago, is plain stupidity and highly offensive (especially considering what that man did to my great-grand parents), simply childish. His posting abilities have been revoked for 3 days. Hopefully he'll reflect on how to better exercise his posting privileges.
There's a huge difference between being a numbskull on the net and doing the things those idiots did. Evry comparison is just wrong. They're all as worse. And if you think not, then you don't know what you're talking about.
And talking about the 'slime', you did exactly the same as I did (about Wobbles), but back then, you couldn't agree with me. If you refer to the past, then you contradict yourself.
I agree that Cab deserves a little break, but your post is rubbish.
Soul Sojourner:
I like 420's year/month/day dating.. =) very logical. 20050423 =P
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