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Elessar Telrunya:
Well, he certainly didn't reply when we asked. :p In fact, the advertisement just disappeared...

Im generally not so nice when i see stuff like that. I make a point to sit in the district and harass them

Elessar Telrunya:
Well, after four years of playing this damn game I finally got to beat every quest in the Fissure of Woe last night.  I got off at 3am.  Mo and I went in around 8:30 or something prepared to go to the Underworld and ended up in the Fissure instead.  It worked out quite nicely though - even after Mo left I got to keep his heroes and trudge through what remained.  The Burning Forest was the worst - all skales (necromancers with two elites!), mahgo hydras (meteor shower, anyone?), and smoke walkers (healers) all in ill-defined mobs roaming about the forest.

1.  Tight spot in the Burning Forest.  I was painfully aware of the fact that only Norgu and Tahlkora had resurrect spells throughout this, and Tahlkora had 60% death penalty.
2.  Note the quest log.  Going for the reward.
3.  The reward: Passage Scroll, Obsidian Key, Onyx Gemstone, Obsidian Shard
4.  The accompanying monument in my Hall of Monuments (center screen).

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--- Quote from: Elessar Telrunya on April 23, 2009, 01:04:41 PM ---Well, after four years of playing this damn game I finally got to beat every quest in the Fissure of Woe last night.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Elessar Telrunya on April 23, 2009, 01:04:41 PM ---3.  The reward: Passage Scroll, Obsidian Key, Onyx Gemstone, Obsidian Shard

--- End quote ---
What exactly do those things do? I know the shard is for crafting and the key is for a chest but I don't recognize that other stuff.


Elessar Telrunya:
Passage Scroll is a free trip into the Fissure of Woe regardless of whether or not there is favor. Onyx Gemstone is a new crafting material, and Obsidian Keys open chests in the Fissure of Woe in normal mode.


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