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It always happens when i am at school using the crappy Apple computers. Never happens on my home Dell.

-Hah, two minutes after I say that it happens on my home computer-

I just had the unable to connect problem when trying to post to the penny thread but it seemed to resolve itself pretty quickly.


Unable to connect from college. maybe the firewall, but it doesnt stop me accessing the WoW boards etc. so i thought i would post it

error: page cannot be found / or / Timed out waiting for blah blah

Ok these problems are definitely caused by a bug inside PHP while using it in CGI mode under IIS.  There's lots written up on it though PHP doesn't care to release a fix for it, they seem to blame it on Microsoft.  I am pretty sure a fix is out there...I'll look for it and attempt to fix it..

Here's an interesting tidbit:

--- Quote ---[15 Jul 2002 11:48am CEST]

There is really nothing solid to go on here.  Everything points to an
IIS issue, and as mentioned upgrading MDAC seems to fix it, so unless
there is some real evidence that this is something we can fix at the PHP
level, I see no reason for this to be an open bug in the PHP bug

[4 Aug 2002 10:48pm CEST] scott at datalink dot net dot au

Here's a reason to open this bug:   If PHP worked properly with
enterprise products we would consider using it for enterprise

How can you state that there is nothing solid to go on, considering the
opening bugnote begins with: "Under the category of 'You Can Never Have
Too Much Information On A Bug'", and this bug has over 600 lines of
descriptive information, including step-by-step procedures and scripts
to reproduce it!

Regardless of who is to blame (IIS, MSSQL, PHP, Solar Flares), the bug
exists anyway, and it is in the interest of PHP to track it.   

By closing this bug because somebody claimed that a MDAC upgrade *may*
solve the problem is wrong.   If all bugs were handled using hearsay I
would not feel comfortable about the quality of PHP in general.    How
about having someone who can replicate this bug become responsible for
it, and only when they are happy should the bug be closed.

I am happy to become this person, to help improve the quality of the PHP
codebase and the support team.

In the meantime, please re-open this bug.

--- End quote ---

Ok please keep letting me know if these timeout errors keep occuring.

I think I fixed it


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