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Site performance

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--- Quote ---Ok please keep letting me know if these timeout errors keep occuring.
--- End quote ---

Argh! I just had the problem while posting to the GodSpire creature thread. I haven't had the problem while trying to look at a thread today which is cool.



--- Quote ---Argh! I just had the problem while posting to the GodSpire creature thread. I haven't had the problem while trying to look at a thread today which is cool.

--- End quote ---

blah still?


Ok everyone keep posting when and how often this occurs...

no, that was my fault why his post didn't work.

sorry 420

Soul Sojourner:
Anyone notice the other day when Mo said he could have swore he deleted my old topic... well somehow my posts from one old topic ended up in a more recent yet still old topic, and they were'nt the same topics... really strange.

Also if I edit one of my posts, and then go off LM (close the browser) and come back later.... it goes to the edit post screen and re-edits that post.... strange.

OK, I have viewed a bunch of threads and posted a bunch today without a single timeout! Yeah, whatever you guys did it seems to have fixed the problem for me!

However, I think a caped crusader may be stalking me!



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