Other > Random Ranting

Support Internet Freedom!!!

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yeah freedom is overrated. i mean, the leftie peace anti war fun boys, have freedom. they seem to want saddam (et al) to have freedom. even (as it seems) if the ppl under these undesirables have none themselves


plus! we just averted some plot by some random Arab guy to put poison into some sort of toothpaste in the UK!! imagine the world without brits! *shudders*


--- Quote ---plus! we just averted some plot by some random Arab guy to put poison into some sort of toothpaste in the UK!! imagine the world without brits! *shudders*
--- End quote ---

Wait... brits use toothpaste?!?!?!?

OH and I think the interenet should only be accessable to people old enough to pay taxes.


That means i wouldnt have been on before ...well a few days ago when I did my first taxes...


--- Quote ---That means i wouldnt have been on before ...well a few days ago when I did my first taxes...
--- End quote ---

Well, how about, the internet can only be used if you pass a personality test. The test will determine intelligence, dispossition and maturity. If you don't pass the test you can still access the "Frontier Internet" where all the wackos, spammers, children, griefers and social mutants have access. If you do pass the test you get to access comercial sites and private servers that have an "Official Internet Seal of Approval" that must be registered for and approved by whatever country your server is based.

So people like Zen Zen (Wobbles) would not be able to access the "Official Internet" but that would be OK because he wouldn't use the internet as an informational tool anyway. He could find some nice forum on the "Frontier Internet" like www.largeobscenesigs.net where he would be with others of his kind.




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