Other > Random Ranting
I have tried at least ..*counts*...9 Anti-Virus programs (Norton, AVG, Mcafee, and Panda included) and none of them will install or pick anything up (AVG)
the im sorry but u only have ONE thing to do DELETE IT ALL :P
format will take care of it :D
Yes. Format and get it over with
--- Quote ---Once they start making programs for linux I'll start using it... (then again that's when they'll probably makes viruses for it too)
--- End quote ---
There is a larger collection of software for POSIX compliant systems than there ever has been, or will be for windows platforms.
As for viruses, there are already various virii out that will affect linux systems. However, the architecture of the operating system makes it very hard for them to spread without targetted infection via social engineering.
The main reason not to use linux is that it is sucky. Much better to use a BSD (read: real unix)
Come'on, linux isn't that bad Talon. Unix may be more mature, the linux is more than ok, it supports more hardware than unix for example. It's just a matter of taste and computer it should run on. For a new laptop I would take linux, for a production server I would take unix.
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