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Who The Man:
What's the point of the trashcan forum?
And there's two ROSE Online redirected forum things, might want to delete one of them...

Edit: And why are there Sub Forums in the Trash Can forum?

Edit 2: I believe everyone already knows that the server forum has been moved to NWN General, I suggest deleting the Server redirecting thing and just make a short note in the News and Announcements Forum.

Edit 3: You might want to move the ROSE Online thing to the Role Playing Category, and delete the guilds forum, because apparently nobody is posting there.

Edit 4: Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't, but maybe you should move WoW and Guildwars to General Role playing? And then make all of the Guild Wars Forums into sub forums?

More edits shall come!

Elessar Telrunya:

--- Quote ---What's the point of the trashcan forum?
And there's two ROSE Online redirected forum things, might want to delete one of them...

Edit: And why are there Sub Forums in the Trash Can forum?

Edit 2: I believe everyone already knows that the server forum has been moved to NWN General, I suggest deleting the Server redirecting thing and just make a short note in the News and Announcements Forum.

Edit 3: You might want to move the ROSE Online thing to the Role Playing Category, and delete the guilds forum, because apparently nobody is posting there.

Edit 4: Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't, but maybe you should move WoW and Guildwars to General Role playing? And then make all of the Guild Wars Forums into sub forums?

More edits shall come!
--- End quote ---

To origanal post: to put deleted topics in. if we ever need them again as reference, they are still there.

To Edit 1: those were deleted subforums

To Edit 2: Someone might be stupid and not know that.

To Edit 4: No that shouldn't happen because they are their own games, and if you did you would have to move NWN into it also, because it is based on D&D which is a roleplaying game. plus Guild Wars has some specific PvP parts

-Lord Elessar


--- Quote ---What's the point of the trashcan forum?
And there's two ROSE Online redirected forum things, might want to delete one of them...

Edit: And why are there Sub Forums in the Trash Can forum?

Edit 2: I believe everyone already knows that the server forum has been moved to NWN General, I suggest deleting the Server redirecting thing and just make a short note in the News and Announcements Forum.

Edit 3: You might want to move the ROSE Online thing to the Role Playing Category, and delete the guilds forum, because apparently nobody is posting there.

Edit 4: Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn't, but maybe you should move WoW and Guildwars to General Role playing? And then make all of the Guild Wars Forums into sub forums?
--- End quote ---

1) The trashcan is where deleted topics go, d'uh. Oh, and there's only one redirect forum.

2) Deleted forums.

3) Stupid reasoning there... not everyone will know...

4) ROSE is not Role Playing only. Guilds will stay, they might be needed in, say, GW.

5) No.


Who The Man:

--- Quote ---To origanal post: to put deleted topics in. if we ever need them again as reference, they are still there.

To Edit 1: those were deleted subforums

To Edit 2: Someone might be stupid and not know that.

To Edit 4: No that shouldn't happen because they are their own games, and if you did you would have to move NWN into it also, because it is based on D&D which is a roleplaying game. plus Guild Wars has some specific PvP parts
-Lord Elessar
--- End quote ---

Okay, first, What makes a website get deleted? My first guess would be if it's breaking the rules, otherwise it should be left where it was. If it is breaking the rules then it is probabaly something bad. If it's something bad then it is most likely unwanted on this site. Therefore no point in making the trash can. Why make a category for old topics, or topics that have just been randomly selected?

Again what is the point to have deleted sub forums?

If someone wonders where the Server forum went, maybe he/she would be sensible enough to check out the Announcements topic?

Who The Man:

--- Quote ---1) The trashcan is where deleted topics go, d'uh. Oh, and there's only one redirect forum.

4) ROSE is not Role Playing only. Guilds will stay, they might be needed in, say, GW.

--- End quote ---

1: Why delete topics?

4: I believe it would make more sense to be in the Role PLaying category rather than the other category, but fine whatever. In case you haven't checked the Index of this board for more than 10 seconds i'll let you in on a little secret, there is already a forum for Guild Wars guilds. Of course there *might* be a possibility someone would like to post in that forum, but why not make a hundred forums such as: Mouse Forum- If you have a problem with any pests in your house then post here! Battery Forum- Wondering if you should be regular Duracel or Duracel Ultra? Well this is the forum for you! Hunting Forum- Are you hunting for water fowl? Post here for tips on shooting, cooking, and eating!

Edit: Btw I don't know why there's a forum dedicated to ROSE Online, when it's got a whole board dedicated to it :blink:


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