Other > Random Ranting

Who is the coolest leveler on Godspire?

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Belog pwns them all!  Have you seen what he can do to you if you attack him!?  He'll either kill you or boot your sorry arse.  He's got that beard too, that's like an extra 100 pts charisma pts.

bus driver:
I vote for the leveler deep in the depths of the maze where nobody will find him...

dont look for him........i just made that up...............honest


--- Quote ---I vote for the leveler deep in the depths of the maze where nobody will find him...

dont look for him........i just made that up...............honest
--- End quote ---
Maybe I'll go look for him anyways to see if I missed anyone...


--- Quote ---Maybe I'll go look for him anyways to see if I missed anyone...
--- End quote ---

Don't bother.... there is nothing down there.  About a year ago, I went down with someone (can't remember who it was, all i know is it was someone from Doriath... BzK?) and we got to the end.  we know it was the end cuz there was a portal.  unfortunately, the portal wasn't functioning yet so we were just stuck down there  :D   anyways, while we were down there and going through every passage, we didn't encounter ANYTHING.  But as I said, that was a year ago so things might've changed.  so if you really want and have lots of time, good hunting! :)

I explored there a few monthes ago and found the same portal and nothing was there. Never know though I'll give it a shot. :P All in fun. :P


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