I was having one of those days where I couldent find anything to amuse myself, so I installed Vanilla NWN And desided... Hey!, Im going to tear GodSpire apart and rebuild it compleatly...
I may even stick it up one of these days... It is en effort to recreate the feel of GodSpire without including anything RP... Short of the NPC's telling real storys about GodSpire history or the like. Going to rethink it all... I allready have a very promising module allready with my main focus on atmosphere without needing a Monster PC to enter.
I wont tell you anything else yet, as it will ruin it... You will see : p 2 Main DM's you can guess who they are.. And Totaly new policeing system.. gonna take me a while for that. Same ol DM Tool just redone.
hmm...what else can I tell you without having to kill you... Not alot but theres a fair few surprises... Anyway I'll just crawl back under my rock and play around with this for a while.