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Should we extinguish the sun?

(1/10) > >>

OK, this poll comes from a little topic of dicussion I was engaged in on GodSpire this weekend.

Basically it is based on 2 main theories:

1. The sun is a giant flaming ball of radiation.

2. We live in a back-water solar system and are basically the hillbillies of the Milky Way galaxy.

Now, you may think I've gone off the deep end. "We need the sun to live!" is the most common retort I get.

But I put to you that no one has ever extinguished the sun before... how do we know it will be the doom of us all? How do we know?

Anyway, our little planet is perfectly capable of sustaining life independantly with a wacky little invention call a borehole. We can just use our planets own geothermal resources for heat and electricity.

Of course we'll all have to take dietary suppliments so that we can process vitamin D without the sun but it's a small price to pay for the damage the sun does to our planet and its residents.

I'm not just talking about heat stroke, sun burns, skin cancer, blindness, drought, famine, faded car paint, bleached posters and comic books, melted tapes and records and Polymorphous Light Eruption (PMLE).

Did you know that by the time our sun becomes a Red Giant it's circumference will reach beyond our current orbit! This blatant agressivness toward our planet cannot be tolerated and I recommend a pre-emptive strike in the next "500 to 900 million years".

I decided not to post the "Planets with more than one moon think they are better than us, so should we steal their moons and show them who's boss?" because it was just too silly.


EDIT: 3rd choice should say:
"Let's just move our planet out of this backwater solar system to something closer to Galactic Central Core."

We really should be able to "edit" our own poles question and answers.

I think we should make sun-blowing a mandatory elementary school brain washing class.

Teach to them it is their enemy, and wait 'til we're dead for it to happen so we don't have to drill stupid holes and take stupid pills.

Trizzie D:
If we all decide to live underground we would probably adapt to being underground. Besides, how in the hell are we suposed to get to school? We would basically just have to build everything underground and convert the entire community to becoming a bunch of damn ground-hogs. Think of all the downsides you have to living underground such as your looks, your girlfriend's looks, travel etc.

I say we destroy it! It's to dangerous it causes cancer some say! Destroy it!

Trizzie D:
Yeah, so does everything else.


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