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Time Travel

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Elessar Telrunya:
Time is delacate. It should not be meddled with, unless it is inevetably the only way to make something happen, that did happen. Think of it this way. If you went back to make 420's parents lovebirds and not a crazy woman and a strange cop, 420 might not be here right now to make this thread, niether archepelago, rune, nor throbbleserve would probably exist. This thread and these posts would never exist, I'd be a horrible person probably on a long long long long ban from godspire.

Another example, If I went back in time and stopped whats his face(i cant remember the name atm) from assassinating Kenedy, I could possibly end up being accused of trying to assassinate Kennedy due to the fact taht I would have the gun in my hand. They would also probably think that I was trying to kill whats his face as well and he would possibly get another chance to assassinate Kennedy, thus only delaying the death.

However an example where it would be nessessary to do something in the past is like if you went back in time to, say the American Revolution and you found George Washington and the other signers of the Declaration of Independance unsure if they really should sign the document. If you encouraged them to sign it, everything would go as it does in our history books. If you didn't, all the americas would possibly still be colonies of the european nations, thus, st louis would be part of france and my parents would never have been able to meet there and have me or any of my siblings. See what I'm getting at?

-Lord Elessar

Time isn't time.

If it were there, and time travel were possible, nothing would exist because SOMEONE throughout the course of history would go back and kill everything before it happened but they'd be dead before they could make it happen and all that nifty stuff.


--- Quote ---Real traveling in time isn't possible. The moment after and before a giving moment, don't exist. (my opinion)

That time doesn't goes as fast for each object, what Mo says, is corect (as long you can't break down what Einsteins says at least). But going at 1/3 of the light speed around the earth gives forces a human body can't resist at all (think of G-forces like with pilotes, but then million times worse, there are easyer ways to suicide). The only place, were you can circulate that fast (and faster), around a small object, is around a black hole. (in term of this speed, the earth is nothing). But you're born too early to ever have a change to see something like that. (won't be much to see around a black hole anyway, and it still is pretty much suicide :P)

--- End quote ---

Actually, with the zero gravity in space, going 1/3 the speed of light wouldnt be that strenuous on the body. It would feel quite smooth and otherise slow. But, who knows how long till we can go faster than that. Maybe Time Travel will be possible one day.

Well, I don't agree at all with the concept that the past already happened, the future hasn't happened yet and the present here and now is the only thing existing right now.

If time travel was possible I think the present we are experiencing is one that has already been altered by people travelling to the past. Ever think about that?

I don't think the present or the future could be changed by time travel because, if time travel were possible then the reality we are experiencing is one which has already been affected by time travel. Whether it be to the past or future.

This again is dependant on my theory that the entire space-time continuum (for lack of a better label) is one great system that we simple, physical beings experience in a very limited and linear way.

We already know that gravity affects time just as it does light, which supports the idea that somehow light and time are very interdependant influences in our reality. They may even be the same phenomenon viewed from different perspectives.

In a sense, time travel is real but we simple organisms can only travel physically in one direction at a fixed speed. We can of course time travel a little bit by moving away from large gravitational masses (time passes slower for astronaughts in orbit but it is barely detectable) or by using the external energies provided by extreme gravitational forces (sling shot off the event horizon of a black hole for instance).

However, I think the most realistic method of time travel would involve converting our physical form to energy and somehow exchanging that energy with an equal amount of energy from the point in time we wish to travel too.

Since matter (and energy for that matter) can't be created or destroyed (only converted into other forms) you can't remove yourself from one point in time and add yourself to another without making an equal exchange of matter/energy.

Whew, I'm glad I got that off my chest.


Let's see what Carl Sagan had to say on this matter.


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