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Time Travel
OK, it's time to lay this issue to rest: Is time travel possible?
Tolar says: Time travel is only possible when traveling to the future because time travel to the past creates a paradox.
I say that the universe exists in at least 4 dimensions, the x, y and z axis or 3 dimensional space, and the 4th dimension of time. It exists as a whole organism (for lack of a better word) from beginning to end.
I think time travel is possible, however it does not happen in my life time. I know this because I decided a long time ago that if time travel was possible I would have traveled back in time to tell myself this fact.
Tolar's theory would suggest that time travel could be possible within my lifetime and I wouldn't be able to go back and inform my past self of this fact. (Only time travel to the future would be possible)
So I am going to assume that the theories of time travel are as diverse as the number of people willing to espouse their own opinions about time travel.
Let's have some points of view!
Time travel to the future is proven fact thanks to Einstein's special theory of relativity, specifically Time Dialation. The science is as follows: The closer one travels to the speed of light, time will accordingly slow down. Such as when you would actually reach the speed of light, time would essentially almost stop. So say you travel around the Earth at 1/3 the speed of light for,what appears to you as 30 days (I don't have the exact equation off hand), the same period would have passed by on Earth as 50 years. Therefore in those 30 days you traveled forward 50 years in time. This theory has been proven aboard the space shuttle.
Tolar is correct to mention that traveling backwards in time would create paradoxes and make absolutely no sense. However I contend that traveling backwards in time in possible in a sense. You do it everyday in fact. Look up to the Sun. The sun you are viewing is actually the Sun 8 mintues ago. Simply because it takes 8 mintues for the light from the sun to travel into your eye. Now take a big telescope and look at a distant galaxy. You are viewing this galaxing not in the present but the way it was a few millions of years in the distant past. Effectively you are looking backwards in time. Essentially if you had a power enough telescope and traveled 42 light years into the future instantly, then pointed your super powerful telescope at Earth, and specifically Dallas Taxas, you could view the Kennedy assasination happening because the light from that event is only reaching your vantage point now. Anyway I contend that this is traveling backwards in time.
Other more conventional time travel theories will contend that traveling physically backwards in time is possible only if you travel into some sort of parallel universe. Crazy stuff...(ie. Watch the show Sliders for an idea of parallel universe theories)...
Hope this blah blah made sense..been drinking..so blah
Lance Ezekiel:
I dont beleave in fate so traveling forward in time is not possible imo
Real traveling in time isn't possible. The moment after and before a giving moment, don't exist. (my opinion)
That time doesn't goes as fast for each object, what Mo says, is corect (as long you can't break down what Einsteins says at least). But going at 1/3 of the light speed around the earth gives forces a human body can't resist at all (think of G-forces like with pilotes, but then million times worse, there are easyer ways to suicide). The only place, were you can circulate that fast (and faster), around a small object, is around a black hole. (in term of this speed, the earth is nothing). But you're born too early to ever have a change to see something like that. (won't be much to see around a black hole anyway, and it still is pretty much suicide :P)
Here's what I think:
I believe there are an infinite amount of dimensions. To travel through time one must travel between these sed dimensions. In other words each dimension is another second in time so one could be when you're a baby another could be when you're on your death bed of billions of years. Suchly time repeats itself in the dimensions. However if you jump between dimensions the "you" in your dimension dissappears and puts you another dimension. so there would be two of "you" in one dimension and none in the one "you" traveled from.
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