Other > Random Ranting


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Lance Ezekiel:

--- Quote ---I like bacon
--- End quote ---


Any how go into your sound setings and make shor its on the new drivers may of turn the the pc's sound maniger off. That happend to me once. If that don't work take out your sound card out of your pc place is on a hard flat serface then get a large hammer then prosead to bet the shit out of it. :P

it's ok now, was just a little loose :blink:

Congratulations on getting your sound to work. Any idea what made it come loose though? Seems kind of strange that it would just decide to jump out some so that it wouldn't work.

might've been collecting too much dust in there or something, my dad used an air compressor thing on it and blew out all the dust


--- Quote ---Any idea what made it come loose though? Seems kind of strange that it would just decide to jump out some so that it wouldn't work.
--- End quote ---

I refer you to the above post...

--- Quote ---If it is removable, try pulling it out and reinserting it into the same or a different slot. Somtimes the vibrations and dust can make a card loose and it loses contact with the motherboard.
--- End quote ---



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